El dijous dia 3 de desembre plantarem la caravana davant dels estudis de CATALUNYA RADIO a l'Avinguda Diagonal, 614.
Aproximadament a les 23:30h farem una connexió en directe amb el programa ANIMA del Canal 33.
No se qui seran els espectadors que entraran a la PUCK. Segurament la cadena farà una mena de concurs. En tot cas si us voleu apropar per veure'ns estarem encantats.
I desprès ens en anem al FESTIVAL EL MÉS PETIT DE TOTS de Sabadell.
Els dies 6, 7 i 8 de desembre a la Plaça Robert de Sabadell
Els nostres horaris seran d´11 a 13 h i de 17 h a 20 h.
miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009
martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009
Our films
We apologize for not write until now, our program.
Has the long title "Tales, Stories about Love and some Poems"
First of all our gratitude to filmakers and producers.
We have chose each film carefully to show the kind of animation we love and trying to design a nice program with films for the different ages of life.
But the reality is not perfect and we have still now important absences.
Anyway our Puck caravan is full of talent and inspiration
Its a Big World, Hisinping Pan
An Eye for Annaï, Dan Rodrigues & Jon Klassen
The Tiny Fish, Sergei Ryabov.
Pic Pic et Andrè, Vincent Patar & Stéphane Aubier
Bendito Machine III, Jossie Malis
Gary, Clément Soulmagnon, Yann Benet,
Sébastien Eballard & Quentin Chaillet
My First Crush, Julia Pott
Un Jour, Marie Pacou
The Dead, Juan Delcan
Forgetfulness, Julian Grey
The Spider, Juan Delcan
Has the long title "Tales, Stories about Love and some Poems"
First of all our gratitude to filmakers and producers.
We have chose each film carefully to show the kind of animation we love and trying to design a nice program with films for the different ages of life.
But the reality is not perfect and we have still now important absences.
Anyway our Puck caravan is full of talent and inspiration
Its a Big World, Hisinping Pan
An Eye for Annaï, Dan Rodrigues & Jon Klassen
The Tiny Fish, Sergei Ryabov.
Pic Pic et Andrè, Vincent Patar & Stéphane Aubier
Bendito Machine III, Jossie Malis
Gary, Clément Soulmagnon, Yann Benet,
Sébastien Eballard & Quentin Chaillet
My First Crush, Julia Pott
Un Jour, Marie Pacou
The Dead, Juan Delcan
Forgetfulness, Julian Grey
The Spider, Juan Delcan
lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009
In Manresa
Yesterday we had been punished by an awfull weather. A cold wind hit our caravan and all of us, during all the day. But we met a lot of cool people interested in enjoy with animation films. A hard day, but good one at least.
Un dia dur a Manresa. Ple de petits accidents abans i després del show. Per sort no va haver entrebancs durant les projeccions. Tant sols el petit accident d'un banc trencat. Peró la nostra caravana és acollidora, i la reste de la jornada els nostres espectadors van seure a la la catifa de gespa. I semblaven molt a gust. Fora el temps era horrorós. Especialment a la Plaça Europa. Malgrat tot els visitants eren gent ferma que aguantava la freda espera sense immutar-se. Gent encantadora.
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